“Venus Cotidiana” Series of resin statuettes inspired by the Venus of Willendorf.
The female form has been a constant subject in art focussing on external appearance. Venus figures have been around since the Palaeolithic unchanging in their enigmatic femininity telling of a life and rituals long forgotten.
Each figure has been made for a “normal” woman and reflects their stories. This work investigates the hidden depths of the mental landscape of women shaped by social and cultural forces today. Their lives may be as far removed from the Stone Age as the modern resins they are made of; yet there is a recognisable link.
Kindly photographed by a colleague at Niche Art-space. Sculpture ©Helen Foster 2009
“Venus Cotidiana” Series of resin statuettes inspired by the Venus of Willendorf.
The female form has been a constant subject in art focussing on external appearance. Venus figures have been around since the Palaeolithic unchanging in their enigmatic femininity telling of a life and rituals long forgotten.
Each figure has been made for a “normal” woman and reflects their stories. This work investigates the hidden depths of the mental landscape of women shaped by social and cultural forces today. Their lives may be as far removed from the Stone Age as the modern resins they are made of; yet there is a recognisable link.
Kindly photographed by a colleague at Niche Art-space. Sculpture ©Helen Foster 2009
Site Specific work at The Institute of Astronomy University of Cambridge. ©Helen Foster 2010
Plaster cast, wood and aluminium ©Helen Foster 2007
Pottery and welded brass ©Helen Foster 2007
Welded recycled aluminium with fused recycled glass ©Helen Foster 2006
Sterling silver and gem stones.
M is for mistletoe. And kissing under the mistletoe
Painting with flowers
My first love at art school was sculpture- today this translates into and this might translate making jewellery. Nothing better than welding,soldering and bashing metal into shape! Click on the images to see them larger then roll over the cursor to read more.